What We Do

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AHS Counseling Telephone: (804) 723-2117

Need to speak to your counselor? Submit a Counselor Request. 

Make an appointment with a GRASP representative on Thursdays in the Counseling Office. 

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RAMP logo - Recognized ASCA Model Program

School counseling programs are collaborative efforts benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. School counseling programs should be an integral part of every student's daily educational environment, and school counselors should be partners in student achievement.

The question has been posed, "What do school counselors do?" The more important question is, "How are students different as a result of what school counselors do?" Hanover County Public Schools adheres to the American School Counselor Association National Model, which is a framework for a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program.

In collaboration with parents, school and the community, Hanover County School Counselors provide all students educational services that foster academic, career and personal/social growth toward lifelong success and effective, responsible citizenship for a diverse and changing world.

The Atlee High School Counseling Department will provide services to all students in partnership with faculty, staff, parents, and the community. Our school counselors will help develop independent students who are emotionally and academically prepared to achieve their post high school goals. Through our comprehensive counseling program, we aim to develop students who will be productive citizens in an ever changing world.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Atlee High School Counseling Department is to provide accessible services to every student in partnership with staff, parents, and our community. The school counselors will provide an intentional, equitable, and data-driven comprehensive school counseling program that is individualized to meet the needs of and advocate for each student. Through individual counseling, small group sessions, and core curriculum, we will develop independent students who are emotionally and academically prepared to achieve their post high school goals.


The students of Atlee High School are empowered and socially aware. Students know their academic and career path and are goal oriented. Students are leaders in their community showing respect to themselves and others. Students explore cultures within our global society. Every student is a life-long learner, critical problem solver, technologically fluid, and prepared for their future post-secondary aspirations to become leaders in their chosen field.

Atlee school counselors believe:

  • Each student has dignity and worth.
  • Every student has the potential to be successful academically, equitable access to resources, and learn to be contributing members of society.
  • Every student needs to learn collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity in innovation to be productive citizens.
  • Each student deserves access to a rigorous, quality education and support from a full-time, highly-qualified school counselor during the school day.
  • A comprehensive school counseling program entails core curriculum lessons, small group counseling sessions, and individual counseling sessions for every student and is aligned with our feeder elementary and middle schools.
  • All students are entitled to a comprehensive school counseling program based on the ASCA mindsets and behaviors and compliant with ASCA ethical standards for school counselors.
  • The school counseling program is planned and evaluated through school-driven data examining student achievement, attendance, and behavior.
  • In assessing and implementing continuing education to better support and advocate for our students’ needs.
  • In collaborating with Atlee’s high-quality staff, local community business partners and our students’ families to educate and nurture the whole child.
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