The Patrick Henry High School Band program is under the direction of Mrs. Amanda Peters, a PHHS and VCU alumnus. The program includes marching, concert, and jazz bands, all of which have performed in numerous concerts and events and have received several awards and accolades.
PHHS Band students proudly represent the school, the city of Ashland, Virginia, and the surrounding community with dedication and commitment to excellence in performance. Please feel free to contact us to find out more about the program.
Important Information
Concert Dress:
Ladies: Black mid calf or longer, sleeved dress or black slacks/black shirt/sweater with closed toe black dress shoes.
Gentlemen: Black dress shirt, black slacks, black socks, black dress shoes (You can choose to wear a tie if you wish, but it needs to be a dark color - dark gray/slate, black)
Booster Board and Fundraising Info:
Our dedicated Band Boosters run fundraising efforts throughout the school year to support our program. We need your help! If you would like to participate in fundraisers or need to reach out to any of our booster board members, please contact Mrs. Peters.
Concessions Stands:
We need volunteers for every home football game throughout the season.
Please note that this is our most important and profitable fundraiser each year, which helps fund the majority of the band needs.
Other Fundraising:
Students perform several fundraising efforts throughout the year, such as selling cookies, pies, etc.
These fundraisers are extremely important to the program and the students, as they help fund band trips and overall band needs.
If you would like to assist in fundraising efforts in any way, please feel free to contact a band booster rep.
Performing Arts Events may be found here.